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About Francie Nolan


Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Francie Nolan has had New York City’s best interest in her heart since she was young. Born to the working-class children of immigrants and growing up in poverty, Nolan faced trials in life and has experienced much of what so many unfortunate New Yorkers face and live with on a daily basis. Nolan’s experiences and outlook on life have made her smart and observant, thoughtful and empathetic, sensitive and kind; but also, reliable and headstrong, striving to achieve her goals and standing firmly for what she believes is right. Nolan cares deeply about her community and believes that all people can grow and gain as a whole and that through hard work and unity, the entire community can benefit. The decision to run for mayor didn’t come easy to her; she thought long and hard about whether she was ready to take charge and fight for the people of New York City. Knowing that sacrifices are to be made and that the people will always come first, Nolan believes she’s ready to take on the responsibility and strives for a more equal, prosperous, and unified city. Nolan’s platform centers around raising the quality of life of the average New Yorker and helping those who need it.

"As mayor, Nolan will not only elevate the voices of everyday New Yorkers but relentlessly fight for them. Nolan understands the value of every single vote, that people are putting their trust in her and in the belief that she will listen to them and work for them."

Nolan's Platform


Nolan wants to improve public education and ensure that all children in American public schools are receiving the education they need and deserve. She believes that no matter their class or living situation, all children should have high-quality education that properly prepares them for their future and that they should all be given the chance and ability to pursue higher education without the burden of large debts after their graduation. Nolan argues that all public schools should serve free lunches to children and that no child should be refused a meal if their parents haven’t been able to pay. 


Nolan believes that healthcare is a right, and because so it should be affordable for every citizen of New York and easily accessible. She works towards easing the burden on the community’s shoulders and ensuring that they don’t miss out on life-saving healthcare due to the costs. No one should go bankrupt and be put in crushing debt simply because they’ve gotten sick. Nolan is committed to protecting the Affordable Care Act and making sure that all New Yorkers are able to access it when needed. In the future, Nolan would like to see all New Yorkers covered by a single, all-inclusive insurance plan.

The Economy

Nolan advocates for raising the minimum wage, holding the belief that all Americans have a right to a fair wage. She disagrees with the way many Americans are forced to work multiple jobs just to pay rent and feed their children. The cost of living has risen significantly in New York City, while the minimum wage has remained low. Nolan wants to ensure that all New Yorkers are paid a living wage and agrees with cutting taxes for working families and increasing taxes on the wealthy to ensure that all working families can enjoy economic security, while the wealthiest pay their fair share.


Nolan strives for equality of outcome for all citizens regardless of sex, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, or national origin. She also believes in the right to vote, and opposes laws placing unnecessary restrictions on those seeking to exercise that freedom. Nolan believes that Women’s Rights are Human Rights, and that all women deserve equal access to workplace safety, equal pay, paid parental leave, full access to healthcare, and more. She also wants to further protect immigrants and refugees, and keep New York City a sanctuary city. 

The Environment

It’s the responsibility of every government and its people to care for the environment, so Nolan encourages taking care of the city, public transportation, the use of renewable resources, as well as encourages recycling in everyday life. Nolan wants to further improve public transportation and the metro system of New York City in an effort to decrease congestion in the city. Nolan would like to see an increase in the use of renewable resources and the decrease, and eventual stop, in use of fossil fuels. Nolan believes that addressing climate change could create millions of good-paying jobs.

Criminal Justice

Nolan is in favor of rehabilitation over incarceration and supports treatment programs created specifically for people with addictions. Nolan believes in ending mass incarceration and the war on drugs, and closing the school-to-prison pipeline. She’s vehemently against for-profit prisons and the entire concept of profiting off the incarceration of people. She also strives for criminal justice reform. A firm believer in people’s ability to change and in giving second chances, Nolan wants to end mass incarceration and build a justice system dedicated to equity, rehabilitation, and re-entry.

"Nolan’s experiences and outlook on life have made her smart and observant, thoughtful and empathetic, sensitive and kind; but also, reliable and headstrong, striving to achieve her goals and standing firmly for what she believes is right."



Jose, 36, Staten Island

“Our son was born with quite a few health issues. It’s been a tough year, as we’ve had countless doctors appoinments and surguries and had to put him on pricey medications. All of this has taken a toll on our family and even though we have insurance, we’re still bearing the burden of a lot of the costs and being put in debt. Nolan’s push for affordable healthcare is something I will eagerly vote for.” 


Niamh, 19, Brooklyn

“I’m all for strengthening our education system and making it affordable. Higher education in this country is becoming increasingly expensive and many people don’t have the means to access it, which makes getting a good paying job much harder for them. I go to a great school, but I’m facing a lot of debt by the time I graduate, and I’d like to see that strain lifted from the students of the future.”


Derek, 28, Manhattan

“The affordable housing crisis has been on my mind for a while now. Gentrification and the rising standard of living in New York City has made it harder and harder for the average New Yorkers to afford rent and homes in safe areas. Prices are going up while minimum wage remains low. I appreciate the effort Nolan is putting into making housing more affordable and making sure people are paid living wages.”


Monica, 20, The Bronx

“A politician that wants to fight against climate change and that is in favor of clean energy is definitely one that catches my attention. I think it’s very necessary for us to pay attention to what’s happening in the world around us and to take care of our Earth. We need to pass legislature that’s harder on the big companies that are putting so much waste into the air and the water and ensure they’re paying attention.”


Sam, 31, Queens

“Nolan’s platform speaks to me. I genuinely appreciate her commitment to fulfilling the role of a public servant. We don’t often have politicians who do their duty of caring for the people who voted them in. Nolan advocates for all New Yorkers and has proven that she’ll fight for us time and time again, and that she will make sure our voices are heard.  That’s something that’s extremely important to me.”


Ameena, 42, Brooklyn

“As an immigrant and a minority in the United States, I find that many of Nolan’s beliefs align with my own. I feel comforted in the way she supports us and clearly cares about the minorities in this city. The increase of racism, anti-immigrant sentiment, and hate crimes have been worrying, but I believe that Nolan will work to make New York City an even more equal city and protect us.”

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